Aroma care with pure essential oils 

* aromatic sound© - dulcet aroma, odorant words *

Affectionate words can be so healthful.
 Affectionate words have a beneficial effect on us.
 By saying affectionate words, we can do so much good.
Talking with someone can be so releasing and so relieving.
 When we can talk to someone close or someone we can trust,
about the things, people, experiences and adventures
that currently are a burden to us, we immediately feel lighter.
Words can both, destroy and create.
Bad words can hurt.
Misusing words, is utilising psychological and verbal violence.
No one has the right to utilise psychological and verbal violence.
If, on the other hand, the words used are affectionate and appreciative,
they are balm to our soul and cells.
Affectionate words can do us so much good.

Foul-smelling odours are disgusting to us.
We turn up our noses at them, and/or turn away in disgust.
Pleasant-smelling scents, however, are a blessing for us,
our nose, our brain, our soul, and our cells.
Some of us have had quite a few experiences with odours and scents.
Both, good and bad ones.
They are linked together and then stored somewhere in our memory.
It is therefore not uncommon for us to react to the smell of a particular odour,
in one way or another, depending on whether this odour
is linked to pleasant or unpleasant memories.
Pleasant scents can not only awaken pleasant memories,
but they can actually do us good on various levels.
They can bring us relief, when something is bothering us.
They can bring us relief, when we are having a hard time.
They can bring us relief, when we are in mental and physical pain.

 Inhaling a scent that is perceived as pleasant,
while listening to gently spoken, affectionate words,
brings a smile to our faces and improves our well-being.
Pleasant scents and affectionate words are balsam for our soul and cells.

Did you know that the smallest molecules of essential oils, the monoterpenes,
are small enough to reach the brain via the nose?
Did you know that these molecules only need 22 seconds to reach the brain,
and that their effect on the nervous system then starts immediately?
Did you know that these molecules get into the blood after only 2 minutes,
and are transported from there to the cells, immediately?
And did you know that after only 20 minutes these molecules have
already reached each and every cell,
from where their effect spreads throughout the body and into all body systems?

When the positive strenght of affectionate words
and the beneficial effects of pleasant scents are combined,
we can even multiply the healthful impact of both of them.

That is exactly what I, monica, certified aromatherapist and linguist, can achieve
by applying my creative and individual way of aroma care: aromatic sound©.

Aromatic sound© combines benficial effects of pleasant scents
with the recuperative strength of affectionate words
and multiplies your innate self-healing potential.
Pleasant scents and affectionate words are like balsam to your soul and cells.

Not only do monica's long-time experience as user of essential oils and certified aromatherapist confirm all the above, but also the positive experiences of her clients.
Furthermore it is substantiated by numerous evidence-based experiments,
 scientific studies and reviews .

Aromatic sound© - dulcet aroma, odorant words -
combines science and evidence-based results
with monica's long-time and profound experience
in her precise handling of language and
her professional application of essential oils.

For self-payers.
USD 270 per session, flat rate, regardless of the duration of the session.
Other currencies by arrangement.
Online - payment in advance.
Offline - cash, after each session.

Would you like to experience the beneficial effects of aromatic sound©? 
Get in touch for a short talk or an individual session 
and write me a personal

What I also do passionately

Short-mid-long-term mentoring

Individual one-to-one online sessions for short-mid-long-term mentoring during a period of 3, 6, 9 or 12 months.
As a qualified psychologist, certified mental trainer and nutritional counsellor, I have many years of experience, and thus, my work is professional and ethical, at all times.


As a certified mesmerist I do not apply words, as I give each client plenty of space for inner work: gently, quietly and silently.

Omega-3 health consulting

As an accredited consultant for fatty acids, I am officially authorised to carry out measurements and omega-3 consultations.